Wayin Report
Wayin Report
14 Reasons to Choose Quiz Campaigns for your Data Acquisition Strategy
12 Min Read
12 Min Read

14 Reasons to Choose Quiz Campaigns for your Data Acquisition Strategy

Data acquisition is an integral component of any organization’s go-tomarket strategy. It’s the mechanism that keeps the wheels turning - without it, marketers have no one to market to, and sales teams have no one to sell to. 

But other than shouty call-to-actions saying ‘give us your email address’ or purchasing hit and miss third-party data sets, how do businesses fill their CRM’s with high-quality data? The answer is fun, interactive quizzes, that encourage audience participation and acquire valuable data as well as rich audience insights. 

This report will talk you through 14 data-focused reasons to choose the Wayin App Store to hit your data acquisition goals, as well as boosting engagement, increasing conversions and slashing marketing costs.