ON24 Live Webinar
ON24 Live Webinar
Before, During, After: 3 New Ways to Elevate Your Webinar Channel and Results
Live Webinar
1 Hour
Live Webinar
1 Hour

Before, During, After: 3 New Ways to Elevate Your Webinar Channel and Results

7 March, 2024 (Live Online)
11:00 GMT
12:00 CET

Any marketing transformation – whether its people, process or programs – doesn’t happen overnight. 

It takes small tweaks over time, constant experimentation and a willingness to try new tactics and technologies to innovate your audience’s experiences and increase your team’s performance. 

Join us for “Before, During, After: 3 New Ways to Elevate Your Webinar Channel and Results” to learn expert guidance from a panel of three ON24 customers who have reimagined and reinvented their webinar and virtual event programs, from delivering promotions to repurposing content to personalizing follow-up, and the lessons they learned along the way. 

You’ll learn from each marketing leaders’ successes (and failures), including:

  • How to make a shift from one-off webinars to thematic, integrated campaigns
  • Ways to test and benchmark audience engagement, and how to measure and report progress through data-driven analytics
  • Ideas for applying AI to streamline content creation and extend impact  beyond the live event
  • Building internal buy-in and alignment with sales teams to improve follow-up 

Get ready to make small changes add up to big results – register now!

Mark Bornstein

Mark Bornstein

VP of Marketing


Mark is the chief evangelist and marketing strategist in support of ON24’s Webinar Marketing Platform. Mark brings over 20 years of content marketing, corporate communications and account management experience at leading companies, including Cisco, GE Access and Compatible Systems. He has presented at many of today’s biggest marketing conferences and, for the past six years, has been the host of the “ON24 Webinar Best Practices Series” webcast which has thousands of followers across the globe.

Alison Frederick

Alison Frederick

Director of Demand Generation


Ryan Hayes

Ryan Hayes

Global Head of Events

Covington & Burling