Meltwater Report
Meltwater Report
The Ultimate Guide To Owned, Earned, Paid and Shared Media
40 Min Read
40 Min Read

The Ultimate Guide To Owned, Earned, Paid and Shared Media

By 2025, it’s estimated that 463 exabytes of data will be created each day, globally. This is, approximately, 463 billion Gigabytes, in one day. This number is so ridiculously high that it is impossible to conceive how much information it represents without risking a headache.

Long-story-short: it is getting increasingly difficult for businesses to make their voices heard and stand out of the crowd.

Until recently, marketing professionals had to juggle with 3 defined communication channels: owned, earned, and paid media. With the arrival of social media, we’ve seen a new channel emerge: shared media. Each one of those channels serves a specific purpose and requires a specific approach.

In this comprehensive guide, you’ll learn what each channel is about, how to leverage them best, as well as how to measure your performance.

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