Digital Doughnut Live Webinar
Digital Doughnut
Digital Doughnut Live Webinar
Stream To Success: The Power of Twitch for Influencer Marketing
Live Webinar
45 Mins
Live Webinar
45 Mins

Stream To Success: The Power of Twitch for Influencer Marketing

25 May, 2023 (Live Online)
16:00 GMT

With over 140 million unique monthly viewers and 8 million streamers, Twitch is one of the most powerful platforms for advertisers. For our new free webinar Stream Your Way To Success, we surveyed thousands of consumers across Europe to better understand usage and opportunities for brands and their influencer marketing purposes. Sign up for the 23rd of May, we learn from experts, case studies, and streamers in a live Interview.

You could reach up to 31 million people every day. On Twitch. With over 140 million monthly active users who watch up to 7 million streamers, it is one of the most powerful platforms for brands and advertisers.

In this free webinar, on the 23rd of May at 4 pm, we will provide an in-depth look at Twitch and the effective ways brands can leverage it for marketing purposes. Based on our latest survey with over thousands of consumers across Europe, we’ll deep dive into:  

  • 🎮 The power of Twitch for brands #morethangaming
  • 👾 Different types of streamers and types of content
  • 🎯 Best practices of successful streamer marketing campaigns
  • 🎙️  Insights of a streamer's everyday work with a live interview

Sign up now and don't miss this chance to stream your way to success on Twitch and learn how to reach a highly engaged and influential audience!

Pascale Vigener

Pascale Vigener

Head of International Marketing


Ines Pfad

Ines Pfad

Head of Social Adverstising & Digital Media Consulting


Twitch Streamer

Twitch Streamer

Guest Speaker (TBA)