Demand Exchange Report
Demand Exchange
Demand Exchange Report
More Better Leads Forever
38 Min Read
38 Min Read

More Better Leads Forever

How can B2B marketing's most common objective still be its number one challenge heading into 2023? 

This definitive guide for marketing leaders is packed with pointers, tips, and commentary that will accelerate your lead and demand generation. 

85% of B2B marketers say that lead generation is their most important content marketing goal. Not surprising – especially with a global recession on the horizon in 2023. 

What is striking is that 61% of marketers have cited generating traffic and lead generation as their companies' top challenge. 

How can this be? Well, the landscape has become more complex to navigate. Buyer identity and behaviours have changed irreversibly post-Covid. Some 44% of B2B buyers bought directly from salespeople before the coronavirus outbreak. This number has now dropped to 16%.

It’s time to step up and adapt to deliver on your lead gen objectives. This report from Demand Exchange offers insight on: 

  • Your customer: Cope with the constant change in buyer identity and behaviour and the increased difficulty in delivering on their rapidly changing requirements. 
  • Your content: Find the balance between agility and longer-term strategy. Provide content that influences and educates groups of varied prospective buyers toward purchase. 
  • Your content distribution: Just as your content must engage with each member of the buying committee, you need to distribute it to places relevant to those individuals.
  • Your sales and marketing functions: Marketing’s opportunities to influence your buyers has never been more prominent. The relationship with sales needs an examination.

Make sure your team’s lead-generation content marketing isn’t missing critical opportunities to influence your targets. 

Download the report now!Â