Data Intensity On-Demand Webinar
Data Intensity
Data Intensity On-Demand Webinar
Licensing Rules and Tips for Oracle - Part 2: Oracle Database
On-Demand Webinar
On-Demand Webinar

Licensing Rules and Tips for Oracle - Part 2: Oracle Database

How can you check, obtain and maintain compliance of your running Oracle Databases?

Watch part two of Data Intensity's 'licensing rules and tips across for Oracle' on-demand webinar series to learn:

  • The key specifics regarding what to do post-install of Oracle Database to maintain compliance
  • Which features make up the options you require
  • Where to find the relevant documentation to ensure your business remains compliant

Watch the on-demand webinar now.

Series: Licensing Rules and Tips for Oracle
Watch Part 3: Oracle Middleware
Watch Part 1: Oracle Contracts