Commerce Layer Report
Commerce Layer
Commerce Layer Report
The Ideal Composable Stack for Ecommerce
20 Min Read
20 Min Read

The Ideal Composable Stack for Ecommerce

What are the specific components you should use to build a composable tech stack?

This white paper contains opinions on the ideal composable tech stack. It starts by rehashing the evolution of ecommerce technologies. Then it discusses composable commerce, introduces micro frontends, highlights key benefits, and makes specific recommendations on what are the best tools out there to build a composable stack. We strive to maintain objectivity, but often use our technology to explain composable commerce.

Composable commerce becomes a new standard.

The core elements of a composable commerce tech stack include the following:

  • A frontend design that delights customers
  • A CMS that serves content through a content delivery API
  • A transactional engine to manage data and the business rules
  • A payment gateway that enables money to trade hands

You need to use these four components to build a composable solution in place of a monolith. Ideally, you can isolate each as a micro frontends.

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