Acquia Report
Acquia Report
Security and Performance for Our Customers: Why it Matters
27 Min Read
27 Min Read

Security and Performance for Our Customers: Why it Matters

A protected customer is a happy customer. Professionals from countless industries — technology, education, pharmaceuticals, financial services — will tell you the same thing: security is critical. It is vital that organizations take note, because failing to appreciate the consequences of a breach can be catastrophic for both employees and customers. The evidence in support of data privacy and security controls has never been more clear:

  • Researchers at the University of Maryland found that the average computer with internet access faces an attempted cyber attack every 39 seconds. One in three Americans is affected every year.
  • Approximately 65 percent of cyberattacks are aimed at small- and medium-sized businesses, according to a report by the Kelser Corporation, a technology consulting firm.