Acquia Report
Acquia Report
CMO Guide to Website Redesign
32 Min Read
32 Min Read

CMO Guide to Website Redesign

Marketing technology is exploding in size and options as vendors grab for their share of the CMO’s budget for tools to build, manage, and optimise their digital marketing efforts.

It’s also characterised by a high degree of turnover and rapid obsolescence as new technologies (such as decoupled applications, increasing use of ad blockers, virtual assistants like Alexa and Siri and digital signage) emerge and challenge the capabilities of the existing marketing tool kit.

Changing tools and service providers are a challenge that can distract a marketing team from its priorities of building brands and delivering growth, but few changes are more wrenching than a wholesale “replatforming” of an organisation’s websites and other digital content solutions at the heart of most marketing technology stacks.

In this eBook, we’ll examine the tools you need to get a redesign project supported, funded, launched, and how to make sure it’s a success.